Thursday 28th February 2019 at 7.30pm

PRESENT: A Kirk (Chair), K Adamson, A Buttress, R McInnes, C Miller, D Ritchie, G Dyer (Minutes)

IN ATTENDANCE: L Anderson, D Stott, Mr & Mrs Campbell, J Roberts, J Rice, D Henderson, Mr & Mrs Ralston, H Moodie, K Clinton, C Robertson (CNPA), A Walker-Dean, K Martin.

APOLOGIES: Cllr W Lobban

MINUTES OF MEETING 31/1/19: Approved A Buttress/C Miller


A9 DuallingPromise of survey into NMU path from Transport Scotland, but no guarantee ​about it being progressed or its construction detail.  Objections stand.

Speeding – At request of Chair, D Stott gave an update on situation so far and distributed ​details of the operation of the scheme which she had received from Police Scotland. She ​awaits ​further details in respect of a scheme not using speed guns. Costings are currently  ​being carried out. Details are still awaited from THC in respect of timing of the agreed ​additional road markings etc on Grantown Road and cost of speed signs.

​The additional and renovated road markings etc will happen in the summer along with the ​countdown 30mph signs at the Dalmore entrance to the village.

Attendance at THC Area Committee Meetings – It was agreed to delete from Agenda, ​pending further details from THC.

New Street Name H2 – Within a short timescale, we submitted several names, but decision ​will be taken by THC.

Scheme for Community Councils – Comments by CC members on the proposals for changes ​to the scheme should be made to A Buttress, who has produced an excellent precis of ​interim report.

Capercaillie Project Carolyn Robertson gave a report on the project to date:-

​“The Cairngorm Capercaillie Project is now underway, focussing solely on researching, ​piloting and developing ideas related to Capercaillie conservation and some of that work is ​taking place in Carrbridge.

​The project has a cash budget of £517,700 including a grant of £346,500 from the National ​Lottery Heritage Fund.

​The project is Park wide and currently identifies opportunities for improved and increased ​habitat for capercaillie, assessing the genetic health of the birds and identifying options for ​predator control in capercaillie areas across the Park.

​Within Carrbridge the project is currently seeking thoughts and ideas about capercaillie ​related events, signage, local stories, the role of the Capercaillie Community Ranger and ​volunteering.

​Two events were held in the Village Hall on 7 & 9 Feb seeking people’s opinions on these ​areas of work.  The event was open to all Carrbridge residents and interested parties.  In ​total the events were attended by 45 Carrbridge residents and 32 others.

​To canvas further opinions the Carrbridge Capercaillie Ranger is hosting drop-in sessions in ​the village on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. See the Carrbridge Nature ​noticeboard outside the old Police Station for the times and locations of these drop-in ​sessions. An online survey ( is also available for people ​to share their ideas and, starting w/b 4 March, the CCCR, Emma and Project Manager ​Carolyn, will be visiting all households in the village.

​An event will also be held in mid April to share the findings from the above.

​An event will also be held in the Village Hall on 16 March for people specifically interested in ​volunteering to help capercaillie.  Please keep an eye on the CarrbridgeNature noticeboard ​outside the Old Police Station for more information.

​On 11 March the CCCR, Emma, will be running capercaillie related activities for pupils in ​CarrbridgePrimary School.

​For more information about the project please contact [email protected] or call ​Emma on 07773475559 or 01479780403.”

FINANCIAL REPORT :  Current Balance  £5123.93

GOLDEN SPURTLE : C Miller reported that the organising committee had 7 workstreams in operation ​and that everything appeared on track.  The Budget had been approved by the Directors of ​Carrbridge Ahead and was forecasting a surplus.  The Logo design was eagerly awaited.


​“Glamping Pods” – comments submitted as previously agreed.

​HI Development – still awaiting details of pre-application exhibition from applicant in respect ​of submission under current 5 Year plan.  It was noted that traffic counters have been ​deployed along Carr Road.

​2020 LDP – comments required by 4th April.

​2019/0034 – Car Park – CC had agreed to submit neutral response but after listening to ​concerns of those present in respect of wording of applicant’s supporting documentation, a ​revised ​wording was subsequently agreed by councillors and submitted 1st March.


Association of Community Councils – Meeting to be held in Carrbridge 5th March.

Mannfield Place Footpath It was agreed to seek estimates to upgrade this path, which is a ​popular route into the woods.  The landowner has given approval.

Community Housing Forum –  A Kirk reported that at the recent CNPA Community Housing ​meeting, it was reported the CNPA estimated that about 18% of houses were second ​homes, self-catering or Ayrbnb etc.

​With the prospect of more housing becoming available following the H2 development, ​efforts should be made to ensure that people have their names down on the housing ​register.  It was agreed to publicise locally by poster and social media.

Annual Insurance It was pointed out we would be liable to pay the premium ourselves this ​year, rather than having it taken from our grant.  It will be due end of March.


​Parking – it was agreed that A Buttress would Email B Lobban asking whether it was feasable ​to introduce 15 minute parking restriction on the bridge.

​A hole was reported in the road at the triangle at the top of Main St and requested that it be ​attended to prior to more damage and flooding.

​There was a request for a recycling bin in the village car park.

Aurelie Walker-Dean and Karen Martin gave short presentations to support their being a candidates for membership of the CNPA Board. ​

The meeting closed at 2053 hrs.  ​​Date of next meeting Thursday 28th March 2019