Thursday 30th January 2020 in the Village Hall at 7.30p.m. 


Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Alice Buttress, Robert McInnes, George Dyer, Charles Miller, Bill Lobban (Councillor)

In attendance:

Jan Carlyle, Iain Campbell, Mairi Brown, Lorraine Anderson, David Robertson, David Williams, Ann Gray, Louise Cormack, Hans Kuval and Heather Davidson (Minutes).

APOLOGIES:  Martyn O’Reilly.

MINUTES:  The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 28th September 2019 were approved by Robert McInnes and seconded by Alice Buttress. The minutes of the Inaugural meeting on the 28th November 2019 were approved by George Dyer and seconded by Charlie Miller.


As we can have 8 Community Councillors and we have 2 vacancies Charlie Miller suggested we advertise on noticeboards and social media that 2 positions are vacant for cooption. This was agreed by all. Charlie will organise.

Andrew Kirk stated that David Ritchie had retired from the Community Council. He acknowledged the many years of service that David had given to the community through the CC and its forerunners. The CC has given David an engraved glass plinth but would like to organise a public event to celebrate and acknowledge David’s contributions to the community.

A9 DUALLING NMU ROUTE: Alice and George attended a pre inquiry meeting on the 6th Dec in Boat. THC, CNPA and Boat, Aviemore and Carrbridge CCs have all objected to the non-provision of a NMU route. In March the Scottish Government reporter at a 3 or 4 day enquiry will make a decision.


Speeding on Inverness/Grantown Road: Residents still saying that something has to be done.

The Highland Council has £500 available for a speeding ‘smiley face’ sign.

Lorraine Anderson asked where the sign will go. Andrew Kirk mentioned Grantown Road, almost opposite Dalbeg.

Bill Lobban stated this is the sort of thing the money should be used for. George Dyer once again said that no one from HC had answered our query on what the total cost might be. Bill said he would get an answer.


Further to previous discussions, Iain Campbell and John Walker have had further discussions with Landmark. Robert McInnes reported that Jane Weston was concerned about the drainage at the new houses; the ditch has now been dug out and is now flowing.

Alan Rankin,by email reported that other areas, in the woods, need some attention.

Notification from Seafield Estate: Carr Plantation will be thinned this year as part of a ten year cycle. Exactly when, they are not sure. Logs will be stacked at Auchterblair. Seafield have requested that the Lorries should not work during school hours.


Andrew Kirk commented that none of the CC emails asking for an update have been answered. He was frustrated by this. There are still two mounds of silt on the road meaning that only 4x4s can access. The road and bridge are HC owned but the flat area where people park is the Estate. They have indicated that once it is officially opened they will level when they have a resource in the area.  Bill Lobban is going to investigate the up to date situation.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTING:   Community Council this year have to pay Highland Council to put up the lights. However, Andrew Kirk wanted to thank the lighting department for ‘renovating’ our Christmas lights which was much appreciated.

PLANNING:   H1 opposite Carr Place- this has gone to the Scottish Government reporter to decide.

Badengorm Woods- the CC  objected as did the  RSPB.

PAYPHONE: Highland Council backed the committee’s request to keep it for the immediate future.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH: 97 attendees. This was paid by Carrbridge Ahead along with the proceeds from the Duck Race money. A great event. Thanks to all who helped to make it so.

WOODLAND PARK PATHS: Path works almost finished in the woods.  Riverside Path -overgrown trees and shrubs have been trimmed.

CEMETERY ROAD: Alice Buttress said she would ask the path contractors if they would fill in the holes as a favour.

BOWLING CLUB:   November, CCC received a request for around £2900 to support the painting of the interior and exterior of the club house. Charles Miller supports the bowling club, but suggested that this was a misdirection of funds and the facility could be further utilized for other activities, or make it a sub section of the village hall.

Robert McInnes said Football Club may be reformed in the future.

Alice Buttress, a member of the bowling club, mentioned encouraging more young members.

Andrew Kirk said the building was owned by THC, leased to the CC who leased it many years ago to the BC . A requirement of the lease is that it has to be maintained. The CC has no money so the request would have to go to Carr Bridge Ahead but without support from the CC it would not succeed.

David Williams- Grass surface was in a bad state of repair and had to be repaired. Last year it was not used much. We hold an Open night; other villages come to use the green. Always available for others to use.

Alice Buttress suggested that the refurb came first then discussions arise afterwards.

Iain Campbell – If the bowling club was sublet, the insurance would not cover it. The CC pays half the insurance and the bowling club the rest.

Voting – In favour of supporting the application for funds for repairs to Carr bridge Ahead.- George Dyer, Andrew Kirk, Robert McInnes and Alice Buttress.

Not in favour – Charles Miller.

WOODLANDS Development – Pavement: The pavement is narrower than statutory minimum width. Tulloch do not own the land, therefore, cannot touch make it wider.

Alice Buttress annoyed that planners didn’t see this earlier and enforce it.

THE STRUAN: George Dyer asked Bill Lobban if he could say anything. He noted that there was nothing positive to report. Scottish Government and Highland Council in a difficult legal situation. Andrew Kirk commented that this continued to be very frustrating as the CC have been asked not to say anything due to commercial confidentiality and are of the belief that legal work is going on behind the scenes but it does look like the Cc is doing nothing. Bill Lobban stated that everyone should be aware that THC and the CC were trying to resolve as were other people.

TREASURERS REPORT:  Charles Miller reported there is £2,656.72 in hand, pending a payment of £300 for Christmas Children’s Party.

Written 3 times to Highland Council for £500 grant, still not resolved.

GOLDEN SPURTLE COMPETITION:  Budget in the latest stages.

New stoves purchased as the current ones are condemned. Wood required for spurtles.

Applications for competitors to open earlier, this year.

Association of Cairngorm Communities. Kate Adamson used to represent Carrbridge on this. Alice Buttress agreed to take this on.

B&S Community Council Forum – Charlie Miller and Andrew Kirk will attend the one on 24th February 2020.

CNPA Community Housing Meeting: Andrew Kirk to attend 3rd February 2020.

COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE: Many thanks to Colin Watt for erecting it , Andrew McInnes for taking it down and to Seafield estate for providing it.


Jane Weston: New lights concern, they do not give out sufficient light. Feels they are not safe. Bill Lobban replied, they are LED and that is their capacity.

George Dyer asked Bill Lobban why no action had been taken on a non-illuminated street light on Station Road, despite it’s having been reported several times to THC.  BL undertook to investigate.

Alice Buttress: Woodlands/Crannich Park footpath– is this to be lit?  Bill Lobban – reply No.

Lorraine Anderson: Smiley sign, can it be put further out?

Robert McInnes: Mannfield Place, drivers using access for turn around, dangerous.  Is there a possibility of a    ‘No Through Road’ sign? Or a ‘Cul-de-Sac?   Bill Lobban investigating.

Mairi Brown: Sat 8th February in Village Hall for charity Curry Night.

Fairwinds Path: Can it be tidied up?

David Williams: Anything about Community Policing? A9 accident, hence race track through the village. Andrew Kirk to ask if the police can attend next meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.46p.m.  Date of next meeting 27th February 2020 at 7.30p.m